Monday, November 3, 2008

Future Radio Personality "Collin the Commentator"

A couple of weeks ago, Collin was selected by the principal to go to the local radio station and record a commercial (public service announcement) for School Board Members Day. The superintendent took Collin and a junior high student to the radio station last Tuesday to record their parts.

The announcement is supposed to run from November 5-15. He thought that this was really a neat thing. He was so excited, but he admitted he got a little nervous at the station.

Some people have said that they think Collin has a future in broadcasting because of his love of the art of talking. Who knows - maybe this is the first step to a long, fulfilling career!

He can say it all started with an ad on the radio!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I was tagged by Jessica about two weeks ago. So, I am a little slow, but here it goes.

So, here are the rules...

1. Post the rules on your blog.

2. Write 6 random things about yourself

3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post (or however many you want)

4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!!


1. I still love to sleep late. I know that I should be more grown up and get up a decent time on my own. But when I get the chance (which is not very often), I still LOVE to sleep late.

2. Each night Allison likes to lie in our bed to fall asleep, and she asks me to lie down with her. I love that, and I know it won't last forever. So, I cherish those moments!

3. I really do enjoy teaching. Now, don't get me wrong, there are days when I really don't like my job or at least some part of it, but for the most part I enjoy the teaching profession, and I really do enjoy the kids.

4. I am such a lucky gal. I have four of the best friends in all the world. And, they each represent a different part of my life. One is, of course, my husband. He is a very important part of my daily life, and I can't imagine life without him. Another one is Jessica (who tagged me). She is so important to me; she is always there for me when venting is required (hehe), and she is just such an all-around sweet person. And she represents my daily life here in our community. Another one is Andrea. I work with her, so she represents that part of my life. Andrea is so supportive (also available for venting), and our thinking is so alike it is almost scary sometimes. My job is even more enjoyable because of her. And, the fourth one is Staci. Staci and I have been friends since high school, so she represents that part of my life. We have remained close friends through attending separate colleges and through homes that are 4 to 5 hours apart. I treasure the times we do get to see one another. We still talk on the phone once a week. (we have done that since we went to college) She is so trustworthy and dependable. We have always told each other everything. So, like I said I am one lucky gal!

5. I catch myself sometimes watching and actually enjoying some of our kids' favorite shows on nickelodeon and disney. (I have even continued watching a show after the kids have left the room.) Sad, isn't it?

6. I still love to go back home (my parents' house) and spend the weekend. I love to visit with them, I love to go places with them, and I love how they enjoy our children. I don't think I could respect anyone more than I respect Mom and Dad.

I only have two people to tag, but I look forward to their responses.

So, I tag Felicia and Greg. (same blog but I hope you both do it)

Proud Parents

It has been forever since I last posted anything. Life is so busy! So, I thought that our proud parent moment from this week would make a great comeback into blogland.

Report cards came home this week from school. This is the first year that Collin actually gets "real" letter grades, so he was very excited. (Really, not joking, he likes school and strives to do well) So, we are proud to say that Collin received all A's for the first quarter. He even got one A+ in math, of course. (his father's influence) Plus, he earned an O in penmanship, which I later discovered stands for outstanding. Wow, what a boy! We couldn't ask for anything more from him.

Allison's report card was great as well. In first grade, they don't do the letter grades, but they do G for very good, S for Satisfactory, and N for needs improvement. She has all G's except for one S+ in penmanship. We are so proud of her! She loves school, too. Wow, what a girl! We couldn't ask for anything more from her.

In addition, Allison had perfect attendance for first quarter! Collin went to school every day, but had to miss a couple hours on two different days for orthodontist appointments, so he didn't get perfect attendance. But, that is quite an accomplishment for kids this age. I hope we can continue all year. (Collin is a little disappointed about the attendance thing since he had perfect attendance last year.)

I really need to remember moments like this when I get irritated by some of their other behaviors. They are, after all, pretty good kids.