Tuesday, December 9, 2008


First, air really costs money? 75 cents? Really?

And the most unbelievable part for me is that the air machine takes debit and credit cards!

I could not believe that! Wow!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Front Tooth is out Finally

Just this past Saturday, Allison finally lost one of her front teeth. It had been just hanging in her mouth for about a week. She pulled it out herself.

Now, she can sing "All I Want for Christmas is my one Front Tooth!"

Very Cute Allison Moment

This happened a few weeks ago, but it is STILL very fresh in my mind.

I was helping Allison dry off after her shower, and she looked up and gave me a kiss and then she said,

"You're a good mommy!"

Oh, my heart melted. And all my problems, struggles, and stress from that day disappeared in that one moment and in that one powerful statement from a sweet little girl.

Collin is Playing Ball

Brad and I debated whether to let Collin play basketball this year at the Effingham Rec Center. He really wanted to play, so we decided we would let him try it. He is loving it. Plus, I think he is gaining some good experience, both game experience and handling his emotions experience.

His team is doing pretty well. They won their first two games, and they lost their third game by just 2 points. He looks forward to Thursday each week. (He starts counting down the hours as early as Sunday night.)

Yeah! "Snow Day"

First of all, I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted anything. Can you tell that the busy time of year is here?

Anyway, today is our first snow day of the school year. I know there is no snow, but evidently it was very slick this morning. Actually, my first phone call this morning was from my principal saying we were going on a one-hour delay schedule. Then, about 30 minutes later, he called back and said we weren't going at all.

So, I took that as a sign to catch up on my blogging. So, get ready!