Saturday, November 1, 2008

Proud Parents

It has been forever since I last posted anything. Life is so busy! So, I thought that our proud parent moment from this week would make a great comeback into blogland.

Report cards came home this week from school. This is the first year that Collin actually gets "real" letter grades, so he was very excited. (Really, not joking, he likes school and strives to do well) So, we are proud to say that Collin received all A's for the first quarter. He even got one A+ in math, of course. (his father's influence) Plus, he earned an O in penmanship, which I later discovered stands for outstanding. Wow, what a boy! We couldn't ask for anything more from him.

Allison's report card was great as well. In first grade, they don't do the letter grades, but they do G for very good, S for Satisfactory, and N for needs improvement. She has all G's except for one S+ in penmanship. We are so proud of her! She loves school, too. Wow, what a girl! We couldn't ask for anything more from her.

In addition, Allison had perfect attendance for first quarter! Collin went to school every day, but had to miss a couple hours on two different days for orthodontist appointments, so he didn't get perfect attendance. But, that is quite an accomplishment for kids this age. I hope we can continue all year. (Collin is a little disappointed about the attendance thing since he had perfect attendance last year.)

I really need to remember moments like this when I get irritated by some of their other behaviors. They are, after all, pretty good kids.


Jess said...

Way to go Collin and Allison!!!

Greg and Felicia Huff said...

Great job, Collin and Allison! Keep up the great work!

Felicia and Greg

Sue said...

We are so proud of you both. Keep up the good work! Love, MaMa and PaPa