Monday, September 8, 2008

Football, Soccer, Cubs, and a Wedding

That sounds like a great movie title!!!!! But actually it was just a quick roundup of our weekend!

Friday night was of course the football game. Brad worked at the game, Dale took Collin and sat in our reserved seats that Brad won in the raffle, and Allison and I heard the game while we had a mommy/daughter special evening at home.

Then, bright and early on Saturday morning started this year's soccer games. Collin played at 8:00 and Allison at 11:00. I will have to remember to take my camera next week so I can try to post some pictures.

Then, the family went two different directions for the rest of the weekend. Brad and Collin headed to Cincinatti to watch the Chicago Cubs play on Sunday. Collin was not very pleased that they blew it in the ninth inning.

Allison and I headed to my parents' house and then on to a wedding with them. My cousin got married. We then spent the day with them on Sunday.

All in all, it was a good weekend. They always seem so short, and I never feel like I get everything accomplished that I should. I did enjoy spending quality time with Allison and with my parents.

Plus, I was happy to see some of my aunts and uncles that I don't get to see too much any more. My aunt, the mother of the bride, brought me something special from my childhood. An old friend of hers had seen a book at a yard sale recently and saw my name in it. So, she got it and gave it to my aunt and she gave it to me this weekend. How cool is that? It was my book when I was a little girl, and it still had my bookmark in it. Allison really like that!

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