Monday, October 20, 2008

An AWFUL Awakening

There is nothing like being awakened from a deep sleep late at night by your young child who needs to go to the bathroom. I, of course, in a drowsy state, just told her to go. She did go, but had a few issues...... She hollers for me; I holler at her dad since he was still awake in the other room....this next part is classic.

Dad goes to the bathroom door, looks in briefly but does not enter the battle zone, and then turns to me and says, "This is going to require you."

I get up, still half asleep, and was quickly brought to full awake when I see piles of poop in my bathroom floor. Bless her heart, she tried to make it, and she was sitting on the toilet. There was poop everywhere, and there was a lot of it!

After much time cleaning her, the toilet, her pajamas, and of course the floor, I went back to bed. Brad brought supplies to the door, talked about the awful smell, and lit a candle in our room. What a trooper!

Another Collin-ism

Collin so boldly proclaimed to both his dad and me this weekend that once you're 30, you don't have any fun. (Unless of course you are playing with your kids - nice clarification, Son!)

Then, he went on to say that life is pretty much over at 40. So, I guess we better get busy having no fun since our lives will be over in less than a decade.

What a kid! We sure do love him, but his views are a bit distorted on some things.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have really gotten behind with my blogging and with everything else, too!

So, in catching up, I need to send a few birthday wishes.

My best friend all the way back to high school is Staci. She lives in the northern part of Illinois. Although we don't see other that often, we have continued to talk on the phone once a week through college and beyond. Everyone just knows that Sunday night is "Staci night." Anyway, her oldest son, Justin, turned eight last week. So, Happy Birthday, Justin!

Next, my cousin Greg has a birthday today. He was an usher in our wedding. He is so funny and easy to talk to. He is just an all-around great guy! So, Happy Birthday, Greg!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday, Collin

My oh my, how time flies! In this picture, I think Collin was 4 years old. (and they actually look like they liked each other)

I am a little saddened by this birthday because I realized that this is his last year in single digits. But I am so proud of the boy he has become and I look forward to many more proud moments as he continues to grow.

Happy Birthday, Collin Trey!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Collin Quote of the Day

Most days when I ask my almost 9-year-old son about his day at school, I usually get a response like, "It was good." But every once in a while, he just brings something up on his own. Today was one of those days...

While Jessica was cutting Collin's hair, Collin, Jessica, and I were discussing headaches. (I get bad headaches, and I think I passed that along to Collin.) Anyway, I said that we should send medicine with his Dad to school, and then came the Collin quote of the day...

"I wouldn't be able to go get any medicine from him because if you're not bleeding, barfing, or dying, then you just sit back down."

Evidently, his teachers have used that comment more than once. That just cracked me up. I think I will have to steal that one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

RHJH Softball

The Red Hill Junior High softball team placed second at state this past weekend. Way to go, girls!

Happy Birthday, Andrea!

I just wanted to send a birthday wish to my "Grayt" friend, Andrea! Her birthday was Monday. Although she did have to work on her birthday, I made her classroom very festive. Anyway, I sure hope she enjoyed her day and continues to enjoy her birthday week. The celebration never ends!