Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have really gotten behind with my blogging and with everything else, too!

So, in catching up, I need to send a few birthday wishes.

My best friend all the way back to high school is Staci. She lives in the northern part of Illinois. Although we don't see other that often, we have continued to talk on the phone once a week through college and beyond. Everyone just knows that Sunday night is "Staci night." Anyway, her oldest son, Justin, turned eight last week. So, Happy Birthday, Justin!

Next, my cousin Greg has a birthday today. He was an usher in our wedding. He is so funny and easy to talk to. He is just an all-around great guy! So, Happy Birthday, Greg!


Greg and Felicia Huff said...

All around great guy????? I'd have to agree with that.


slparmer said...

Hey...let's not make Justin any older than he already is. 8, just 8. I need Collin being a year older so I can get used to the idea of Justin being 9 next year. Just like Amy paves the way by being born an entire calendar year before me (ha! ha!)

Justin thanks you for the birthday wishes and the Parental Postal System arrived this way and will be heading your way soon.

Talk to you this evening!


Amy said...


I apologize for putting the wrong age for Justin. I guess that shows how out of it I have been lately. I know he is 8, and it is my son who is less than a year away from double digits (sniff, sniff)

AND.....let's set the record were born only 4 days into the next calendar year, so ACTUALLY, I am less than one month older than you.