Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Cooking" with Allison

We were fixing a quick lunch on Saturday, so Allison picked out what she calls "A Kids Meal." These are the frozen tv dinners called Kid Cuisine. My kids really like them. Allison thinks she is "The Cook" and wants to push the microwave buttons.

On Saturday, she actually questioned my cooking skills and wanted to read the box herself! My response = "I know how to cook - I can read the instuctions on the box!!!"

Perhaps I am not doing my full motherly duties if she thinks cooking is reading the box instructions. But then again, maybe I am just giving her life lessons in reality. Sometimes that is all we can do!

Whatever the case, it was still a pretty cute mother/daughter moment.


Sue said...

As long as she has something to eat is all that matters. You are a GREAT MOTHER!

Ness said...

Allison is the sweetest girl..I can only imagine her face when she said that!!