Saturday, September 27, 2008

Prayers Please

As many people know already, I have a former student who is battling cancer. She just graduated from junior high last year. At this time last year, she was a happy-go-lucky 8th grader enjoying school and playing basketball. I can still remember talking with her and joking around every day at lunch. ( I have lunch duty with the 8th grade class each day.)

But then, in late November, she became ill. They soon discovered that her illness was much worse than they ever imagined. Right after Thanksgiving last year, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

This young lady, Melissa, is an amazing girl! She is so intelligent, hard-working, kind, and caring. She is probably the most respectful junior high student I have ever taught. Plus, her faith and love for the lord is truly awesome.

Melissa and her family have been through a lot these last 10 months. The treatments, the traveling to receive treatment, and the weight of the illness itself are unbelievable. I am not completely sure of the current status of her illness, but I believe that she is experiencing a very tough time.

She has been on my mind a lot lately. I really have trouble understanding things like this. I just thought that a few extra prayers might help. So, please pray for this young girl.


Jess said...

We are keeping Melissa and her family in our prayers! It sounds like she is a wonderful young lady!!

Amy, you are in our prayers also!

Greg and Felicia Huff said...

We will definitely keep Melissa in our prayers - that God will give her family and her strength through all of this and that He will wrap his healing arms around her.
