Monday, October 20, 2008

Another Collin-ism

Collin so boldly proclaimed to both his dad and me this weekend that once you're 30, you don't have any fun. (Unless of course you are playing with your kids - nice clarification, Son!)

Then, he went on to say that life is pretty much over at 40. So, I guess we better get busy having no fun since our lives will be over in less than a decade.

What a kid! We sure do love him, but his views are a bit distorted on some things.


Greg and Felicia Huff said...

Wait until he starts counting all/any grey hair you may have! That used to be David's favorite past time! :)


Jess said...

Oh No... I was not told I would never have fun again! Great.... Thanks Collin:) Hey... if I remember correctly, he had fun with us 30 year olds coming home from Holiday world.... does that count?? See... it can happen:)